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The European Defence Innovation days – Event management

The European Defence Innovation days – Event management

How to showcase innovation with a well-run event? The European Defence Innovation Days The brief The European Defence Agency (EDA), a platform for collaborative defence research and capability development, sought to bring together start-ups, the defence industry and...
METREX –  Manifesto for Metropolitan Partnerships Campaign

METREX – Manifesto for Metropolitan Partnerships Campaign

The brief Kick-start a campaign promoting Metropolitan Partnerships in the run-up to the 2024 European Parliament elections beginning with the launch of a brand new manifesto from METREX – The Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas. Our proposal To roll...
SESAR Joint Undertaking – Social media Campaigns

SESAR Joint Undertaking – Social media Campaigns

The brief The SESAR Joint Undertaking is a private public partnership accelerating the digital transformation of European airspace through cutting-edge technological solutions. Recognising the value of growing a solid social media presence SESAR JU has over a number...