The European Defence Innovation days – Event management

The European Defence Innovation days – Event management

How to showcase innovation with a well-run event? The European Defence Innovation Days The brief The European Defence Agency (EDA), a platform for collaborative defence research and capability development, sought to bring together start-ups, the defence industry and...
METREX –  Manifesto for Metropolitan Partnerships Campaign

METREX – Manifesto for Metropolitan Partnerships Campaign

The brief Kick-start a campaign promoting Metropolitan Partnerships in the run-up to the 2024 European Parliament elections beginning with the launch of a brand new manifesto from METREX – The Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas. Our proposal To roll...
USB – 360° Electoral Campaign

USB – 360° Electoral Campaign

The brief Union Syndicale Bruxelles (USB), the largest union in the European Public Service deals with cases from across the European institutions, as well as the entire European public sector. For the 2021 European Commission Local Staff Committee Elections, USB...